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The new centers of UP Cebu include the Central Visayas Center for Environmental Informatics (CENVI), Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Research, Cybersecurity Research, and Extension Center, and the Students’ Teachers’ Innovation, Incubation for Technologies and Commercialization Hub (STIITCH).
The R&D projects consist of the Urban Fire Hazard Mapping and Fire Spread Modeling (Firecheck) and Geomapping and nutrient analysis of wild edible plants as food alternatives in disaster-prone areas in the central and eastern Visayas regions, Philippines.
UP Cebu will also inaugurate the Technology Innovation Center (TIC) building which will house the research centers and R&D projects.
The DOST, Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and the UP System provided funds for the realization of the centers and projects.
The launching this Friday, April 27, 2018, will be held at UP Cebu Performing Arts Hall and will run from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.