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Today, we received the sad news of the death of our resident dentist at a hospital in Cebu City last Monday (April 13) afternoon. We learned that she was admitted to the hospital on Sunday afternoon, after she complained of severe abdominal pain and vomiting.

As we reach out to the family of the deceased to offer our deepest sympathies and support, we also acknowledge the family’s request for privacy during this very difficult time.

In light of the prevailing global health crisis, we urge concerned parties to be circumspect in their reporting of “suspect cases” of COVID-19. The local DOH has not issued any special advisory in regard to the death of our dentist.

Nevertheless, as the DOH continually reminds us, it is our responsibility to take measures to protect ourselves and the people around us. This is especially true at this time of public health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hence, the UP Cebu administration remains vigilant and will continue to maintain extreme precautionary measures to ensure the safety and health of our constituency.

Moreover, we wish to clarify that, contrary to an earlier report posted on social media, the deceased was not involved in the making and distribution of donated personal protective equipment made by UP Cebu Fablab.

It is our sincere hope that these clarifications dispel concerns related to the passing away of our resident dentist.

May she rest in peace. Thank you for your attention and may God bless us all.

Email: [email protected]