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Stop COVID Deaths: Clinical Management Updates Webinar Series
Posted by UP Media and Public Relations Office

Changes in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 as an infection, and as it impacts on all medical and surgical conditions occur at great speed. There are no experts in COVID-19. But over the past month, expertise in different specialties of medicine is growing.

The University of the Philippines, in partnership with the UP Manila National Telehealth Center and the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, strongly support the promotion of the highest possible standards of care for COVID-19 patients and also seek to protect the entire health system from the devastation of viral spread through measures and interventions that will insulate the whole range of the practice of medicine and all its sub-specialties in the post-Enhanced Community Quarantine phase and for continuing pandemic preparedness and response.

To tap into the experiences of clinicians, hospital administrators, and researchers on COVID-19, a series of Zoom meeting-webinars are organized every Friday from 12:00 NN to 2:00 PM (Manila time) by the University of the Philippines in partnership with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation.

This partnership is a public health measure, designed to ensure that health workers are protected in the first instance, and that health facilities remain viable, safe and will continue to provide for a wide range of medical and health needs of the Filipino people.

In this regard, everyone is cordially invited to the first Zoom meeting-webinar on the Clinical Management of COVID Pneumonia on Friday, April 24, 2020, at 12:00 NN (Manila time) with Dr. Camilo Roa, Dr. Leonora Fernandez, and Dr. Aileen David Wang as resource persons. All medical staff and practitioners are encouraged to avail of this opportunity to be part of a learning network on the management of COVID-19.

Registration is free and open to all at https://tiny.cc/StopCOVIDDeaths