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GLOBAL: Storming, Forming and Norming
A Virtual Forum that will talk about Going Live for Online, Blended, and Assisted Learning

The virtual discussion addresses the challenges, issues, and concerns that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are experiencing as they transition into a digital mode of delivery of education, and their varied ways of managing and coping with learning disruptions in the current higher education environment.

We began the forum with a keynote message from UP Cebu Chancellor Atty. Liza D. Corro who said that for the current Gen Z “…the digital world is their strength and they should not be unnecessarily anxious about how their learning will be delivered to them.”

Further, she expressed that “[COVID 19] had merely catalyzed a long-overdue transformation in higher education… it is just right and fitting for us to take advantage of all these developments in our favor by shifting to the blended and remote way of learning delivery.”

For the first part of the forum, Storming, we were joined by Dr. Filomena T. Dayagbil, President of Cebu Normal University and Dr. Romulo T. Mirasol, Jr., Director of Diaz College who both talked about the Challenges and Experiences in Managing Learning Continuity Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Forming the way how we transition to remote learning, we were accompanied by three UP Cebu experts. We had Jeraline E. Gumalal, Head of the Technology Resource Learning Center who talked about the Available Technologies for Online Learning. Professor Aurelio P. Vilbar, Professor and Coordinator of the Office of International Linkages talked about his Experiences and Research in Using Flexible Learning. To end our second segment, we had Van Owen M. Sesaldo, Head of the Information and Technology Center and Data Privacy Officer of UP Cebu who talked about the Data Privacy Considerations for the New Normal in Higher Education.

For our final segment, Norming, we were joined by Dr. Melinda Bandalaria, Chancellor of UP Open University who revealed the Ways of Improving and Accelerating Learning using the Digital Mode of Delivery. Something Open University is an expert in.

The virtual forum was broadcasted from 9:00  AM to 12:00 NN on 03 July 2020 via Zoom and Facebook Live.

RELATED: GLOBAL: Storming, Forming and Norming – A Virtual Forum about Going Live for Online, Blended, and Assisted Learning