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Following the non-stop rainfall in Cebu for the past week, the UP Cebu administration released a memorandum to announce work and class suspension on Monday, 11 April 2022.

Memorandum No: OVCA-2022-008


THROUGH: The College Deans/Office Heads

CC: OSA; Student Council

FROM: HAZEL A. TRAPERO, DIT (Officer-in-Charge, Vice Chancellor for Administration)

SUBJECT: Work and Class Suspension, Il April 2022

On behalf of OIC-Chancellor Clement C. Camposano and pursuant to the Cebu City Government’s declaration of State of Calamity due to the persistent heavy rainfall caused by Tropical Storm Agaton, work and classes in UP Cebu are suspended on 11 April 2022.

Essential/frontline workers such as the agency-hired janitors may report to the campus together with our security guards with a gentle reminder to take necessary precautions

Thank you and stay safe.