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Search for the College of Science Dean

Public Forum and Sectoral Consultations

11 April 2024, Lawak Sinehan

Public Forum*

9:00-9:15 AM Registration to be facilitated by Ms. Edna Desucatan and Mr. Grover Perez of the search committee 

9:15-9:20 AM Opening prayer and national anthem by Assistant Professor Kim Bondoc, search committee 

9:20-9:30 AM Welcome remarks by Assistant Professor Ma. Theresa Q. Tabada, search committee 

9:30-9:35 AM Introduction of outgoing dean by Assistant Professor Kim Bondoc

9:35-9:55 AM Accomplishment report by outgoing dean Prof. Nelia Ereno 

9:55-10:15 AM Open forum moderated by Assistant Professor Kim Bondoc

10:15-10:20 AM Introduction of CS dean nominee Dr. Alvin G. Roxas by Assistant Professor Kim Bondoc

10:20-10:50 AM Presentation of the vision paper by Dr. Alvin G. Roxas

10:50-11:25 AM Open forum moderated by Assistant Professor Ma. Theresa Q. Tabada

11:25-11:30 AM Closing remarks by Assistant Professor Kim Bondoc

* Hybrid setting: participation via Zoom by Vice-President Abraham Acosta, search committee member representing the Office of the President, and other UPC constituents

Sectoral Consultations**

1:00-1:15 PM Registration to be facilitated by Ms. Edna Desucatan 

1:00-1:55 PM Consultation with UP CS students

1:55-2:00 PM Registration to be facilitated by Ms. Edna Desucatan and Mr. Grover Perez

2:00-2:55 PM Consultation with UP CS faculty

2:55-3:00 PM Registration to be facilitated by Ms. Edna Desucatan and Mr. Grover Perez

3:00-3:55 PM Consultation with UP CS administrative staff

3:55-4:00 PM Registration to be facilitated by Ms. Edna Desucatan and Mr. Grover Perez

4:00-5:00 PM Consultation with UPC alumni***

** The closed-door face-to-face consultations are limited only to stakeholders. 

*** UPC alumni who would like to join the 4 PM consultation may email the Information Technology Center UP Cebu at [email protected] for the Zoom link. Please provide full name, UP student I.D. number, course, and year graduated from U.P. for verification.