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1. UG Grounds

This area is located beside the Undergraduate Building of the campus. There are benches where students can take time to rest and hang out. It is also sometimes surrounded by different art works, perfect for reflection and relaxation.

2. Admin. Building Kiosks

The kiosks are located in front of the Office of the University Registrar in the Admin Building. Students and staff spend a lot of time relaxing and having fun during free time, some also do group studies with the whiteboards provided in every kiosk. Some students bring mats and place them around the kiosks while they rest and enjoy under the shade of trees.

3. Sunset Garden/Amphitheater

The amphitheater is located in the Undergraduate Building of the university. This is also where the old Oblation is situated. Students, staff, and various organizations usually hold gatherings here.

4. SOM Square

The square is located in front of the School of Management (SOM) building. Students usually gather here to do their schoolwork, hangout, or just chill and relax anytime they want. This area is also utilized by students during Kapehan sa UPC days.

These four campus spots offer spaces open for all to gather, study, relax, or just take a pause for a while.