@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' ); @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M'); @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );

How to install eduroam on laptop with Windows 10  or 11 Operating Systems

1) Click the Wi-Fi icon and select eduroam

2) Click Connect button

3) Input the username/identity  and password  sent to you by ITC and click Connect

4) Click the Connect button

5) Check the Server thumbprint (should be same with below depending on the device) and click Connect button

Server thumbprint: 4C 3E 13 11 AD F9 FA E8 7D
AF 33 7C 2C 2E F7 F7 A7 93 B1 8C D1 AC 25 EC
0D 58 CA 4F AB 9D 24 BE       

96 85 8A A2 0E 1F 14 6D 25 C0 71 7E 72 5C E2 60 EC 12 B0 21

6) You can view here when successfully Connected

Installation varies from device/s used, when you encounter errors while following the instructions, please create a ticket under Network Related Concerns here, so that we can address your concerns accordingly