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Academic Programs in the University of the Philippines Cebu

Degrees and Programs

College of Communication, Art, and Design (CCAD)

Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Study Plan | Checklist

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Product Design)
 Study Plan | Checklist

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Studio Arts)
Study Plan
 | Checklist

Certificate in Fine Arts (Product Design)
Study Plan | Checklist

Certificate in Fine Arts (Studio Arts)
Study Plan
 | Checklist

College of Social Sciences (CSS)

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Study Plan | Checklist

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Study Plan | Checklist

Master of Education
Major in Biology, Chemistry, English as a Second Language, Filipino, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies

School of Management (SOM)

Bachelor of Science in Management
Study Plan | Checklist
with Minor in Finance or Minor in Marketing option

Master of Business Administration

University of the Philippines Cebu © 2022