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UP Cebu Contingency Action in light of the COVID-19

as of 10 March 2020

Proclamation No. 922 of the Office of the President of the Philippines signed on 8 March 2020 declared the country to be in a state of a public health emergency.

Pending further advisories, UP Cebu strictly enforces the following guidelines:

A. On Academic Matters

All UP Faculty members are required to shift to blended learning and be able to adjust their pedagogy to virtual learning platforms in the event of class suspensions. This is based on the premise that UP ought to continue providing learning opportunities in the midst of possible class suspensions.


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B. On Administrative Matters

Mass gatherings and huge assemblies are highly discouraged, per advisory of the WHO, thus, UP Cebu shall:

  1. Suspend all activities organized by outsiders inside the campus.
  2. Ensure that all activities organized by UP Cebu constituents will have enough space accommodation for participants thus we limit up to only 40% of the space capacity of our facilities.
  3. Suspend all activities involving large numbers of outsiders/non-UP participants, where individual monitoring/tracing will be difficult.


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