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Beginning on 03 August 2020, the College of Science hosted an 8-day webinar series that focuses on Online/Flexible Teaching and Learning.

With the current global situation, many institutions are fast-tracking their transition to online or distance learning models, and there is no better expert than UP Open University.

The series invited professors from UP Open University, primarily known as a distance learning institution.

Established in 1995, UP Open University provides higher education opportunities for individuals and professionals who are unable to take advantage of traditional modes of education due to personal circumstances.

This series was initially a faculty-only webinar via Zoom, subsequently, it was decided that the public would also benefit from this series and was then shared to the public starting on 04 August, Tuesday via Facebook Live.

If you haven’t caught up with the series, you can check the compilation below.

04 August 2020, Tuesday
S2: Preparing Learning Resources in Online/Flexible Teaching and Learning
Dr. Diego Maranan, Associate Professor, UPOU

05 August 2020, Wednesday
S3: Designing Learning Activities in Online/Flexible Teaching and Learning
Prof. Ana Katrina Marcial, Assistant Professor, UPOU

06 August 2020, Thursday
S4: Strategies in Planning Assessment
in Online/Flexible Teaching and Learning
Prof. Roja Rivera, Assistant Professor, UPOU

07 August 2020, Friday
S5: Facilitating Online/Flexible Teaching and Learning
Dr. Consuelo Habito, Professor, UPOU

10 August 2020, Monday
S6: Tools and Technology
for Online/Flexible Teaching and Learning
Dr. Rae Mae Borromeo, Associate Professor, UPOU

11 August 2020, Tuesday
S7: Establishing Learning Support for Online/Flexible Teaching and Learning
Dr. Joane Serrano, Associate Professor,UPOU

12 August 2020, Wednesday
S8: Quality Assurance for Online/Flexible Teaching and Learning
Dr. Maria Rowena Raymundo
Asst. Professor, UPOU