by PIO UP Cebu | Apr 25, 2024 | Campus Life
Written by Dorothy Shane Pradas (2nd Year BA Communication) Amidst budget cuts and heightened expectations, the University of the Philippines Cebu Student Council has decided to scale down this semester’s traditional Cookout into a ‘Pre-Cookout’...
by PIO UP Cebu | Jun 14, 2023 | Campus Life
Written By Keir Lorenz Frias The rain continued to sing a lullaby through the busy streets of Cebu City as I sat uncomfortably in a bus ride home, eyes wide open amidst the chatter of the people onboard. As the journey continued, I typed in the last line of my poem:...
by PIO UP Cebu | May 21, 2023 | Campus Life
Written by Julia Nicole Nason From as early as six, standing before a crowd in my preschool graduation ceremony, I felt triumphant seizing the spotlight. Clutching the microphone in my tiny, sweaty hands for over an hour, I introduced guest speakers, unveiled...
by PIO UP Cebu | May 16, 2023 | Campus Life
Written by Tasha Zosa Anton Many college students in the Philippines devote a significant amount of time and effort to selecting their attire for class, albeit to varying degrees. But the task becomes more daunting for some when they must navigate the strictures of...