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Be a Gurong Pahinungod! – Sign up now!

Be a Gurong Pahinungod! – Sign up now!

The UP Cebu Ugnayan ng Pahinungód is calling for Gurong Pahinungod Volunteers for the year 2022.  This is your chance to make a difference. Be a Gurong Pahinungód of UP Cebu! Open to all GRADUATING STUDENTS and ALUMNI of the University of the Philippines Cebu. Contact...
HSAT Guidelines are available for pick-up

HSAT Guidelines are available for pick-up

University of the Philippines High School Cebu The HSAT Application guidelines are now available. Get your copy at the UP High School guardhouse. or download the guidelines at:A. Junior High School Admission Test (JHSAT)https://tinyurl.com/JHSAT2022 B. Senior High...


The first-ever Visayas Art Fair held at Montebello Hotel in Cebu City was an event initiated by the National Commission for Culture and Arts, together with the Cebu Design Week Inc., Office of the Presidential Assistant for the Visayas, Sacred Heart School for Boys...