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Over the past week, the UP Cebu Center for Environmental Informatics, has been collecting data from seven (7) hospitals across the province to check the status of their PPEs.

The infograph below shows the disparity not just between the existing supply and the actual demand, but more importantly how the different sectors in society could help address this pressing need.

CENVI hopes that this initial output would encourage other hospitals and medical facilities to share their information, as well as keep these constantly up-to-date.

The number of #Covid19 cases keep on rising, which is all the more reason why we have to protect our medical frontliners who are risking their lives to keep us safe.

For interested respondents, kindly access this link to key in your medical facility’s information.

For inquiries, contact us through our fb page or call 09989643913 (Terai) or 09994725112 (Jireh)