@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' ); @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M'); @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );


UP Cebu Reaffirms Commitment to Ethical Standards

UP Cebu Reaffirms Commitment to Ethical Standards

UP Cebu Reaffirms Commitment to Animal Welfare, Responsible Pet Ownership, Due Process, and Responsible Use of Social Media We have been made aware of a social media post which involves serious allegations against one of our students. The school takes such matters...

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UP System kicks off first Linggo ng Unibersidad

UP System kicks off first Linggo ng Unibersidad

UP Cebu participated in the synchronized flag raising ceremony held last June 10, to formally open the Linggo ng Unibersidad. This event marked the beginning of a series of activities from June 10-20, 2024, celebrating the 116th Founding Anniversary of the University...

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UP Cebu implements energy conservation measures

Written by Hazel A. TraperoIn response to Memorandum No. CLM-2022-03B, the University of the Philippines Cebu (UPC) has initiated proactive steps towards energy efficiency and conservation. With a focus on reducing electricity consumption, UPC has launched a campaign...

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Kapakanan: Faculty Welfare Forum Series

The All UP Academic Employees Union - UP Cebu Chapter and the College of Social Sciences successfully held the "Kapakanan: Faculty Welfare Forum Series" on March 22, in partnership with the Office of the Faculty Regent and the UP Salary Fight Network. The forum...

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Suma’t Suri: UP Basic Education Summit 2024

The Suma't Suri: UP Basic Education Summit 2024 discussed academic concerns, welfare, health and well-being, economic security, and work conditions on February 29-March 1 at the Student Union Building in UP Diliman. Other than the participating faculty of basic...

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