The Central Visayas Studies Center is bringing you to the second edition of the
2020 UP Cebu Faculty Research and Creative Work Virtual Presentation
Part 2
28 October 2020
9:30AM – 4:00PM via Zoom
There will be six paper presentations from the four Colleges of UP Cebu with a reactor after every presentation. Part 2 marks the last of CVSC’s virtual research presentations that would feature the theme: Knowledge, Innovation, and Resilience in Uncertain Times. Attached below is the program for the event.
In the morning, Prof. Januar Yap will read excerpts from his novel Arkipelago; Prof. Jay Nathan Jore will present his curatorial project on the vernacularity and aesthetics of the everyday in Cebu’s contemporary design; and Dr. Lorna Almocera will present her teaching module on advanced mathematics. In the afternoon, Dr. Tiffany Tan will present her research work on ethics in data analysis – viewpoints from two cultures; Prof. Regletto Imbong will present his anthropological paper “The Good Food in a Technological World: Focal Things and Practices”; and lastly, I will present my paper on the discourses of resistance by and for the Lumad against the neoliberal hegemony in our country.
To pre-register for Zoom, please send your requests to CORA LAWAS at [email protected]
With this, CVSC continues to celebrate National Statistics Month with the nation.
We’re glad to know that many were interested in the first part of the series as we had audiences from different agencies and universities in the Philippines. Padayon Pilipinas!
RELATED: UP Cebu Faculty Research and Creative Work Virtual Presentation Part 1