@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' ); @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M'); @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );


❗️Waste Materials (assorted empty toners/cartridges)
❗️Waste Materials (toner cartridges/tanks)
Restoration and Rehabilitation of UP Cebu IP CCTV and fiberoptic backbone, and UP HS structured cabling
Supply and Delivery of Ceiling Fans and Air Purifiers for UP Cebu Classrooms
Procurement of Firefighting Equipment
Supply and Delivery of Computers for UP Cebu HS
Supply and Delivery of Various IT Equipment
Procurement of Laboratory Equipment for Project REHAB
Procurement of Landscaping of the UP Cebu Football Field
Procurement of Janitorial Services
Procurement of Security Services
Procurement of Janitorial Services
Construction of the UP Cebu Electrical Distribution System
Repair and Rehabilitation of Ceiling and Roof of Various Buildings
Construction of the Learning Commons Annex Phase 2
Installation of Tiles for the SoM Bldg and Rehabilitation portions of the old dormitory
Supply and Delivery of Laboratory Equipment
Repair and Rehabilitation of Buildings Damaged by Typhoon Odette part II
Repair and Rehabilitation of Various Buildings in UPC SRP Campus
Renovation of the Old HS Building
Rehabilitation of Windows in the Arts and Sciences Building
Supply and Delivery of Computers and Software Licenses for the Office of the Campus Architect
Supply and Delivery of Computers and IT Related Equipment Batch 2
Procurement of Janitorial Services
Repair and Rehabilitation of Buildings Damaged by Typhoon Odette Part I
Supply and Delivery of Computers and IT Related Equipment
Procurement of Security Services
Supply and Delivery of Computers and IT Related Equipment
Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Airconditioning Units
Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Laboratory Equipment for the Black Soldier Fly Project
Supply, Delivery, and Installation of AVR Seats and Carpet for the UP Cebu Cinematheque
Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Fiber Optic Network System Phase 3
Procurement of UPS and Wireless Access Point
Procurement of UPS and Wireless Access Point
Procurement of Disinfection Tunnel and Equipment
Construction of the Learning Commons Annex Phase 1, UP Cebu
Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Airconditioning Units


Send in your proposals, inquiries, or overall comments to the following email:
Public Bidding:

Bids and Awards Committee Secretariat
[email protected] | (032) 232-8187 local 102

Other Procurement:

Supply and Property Management Office
[email protected] | (032) 232-8187 local 121

University of the Philippines Cebu © 2023