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Dr. Weena Gera of the UP Cebu College of Social Sciences bags the 2019 Bernd Rode Award

Dr. Weena Gera of the University of the Philippines Cebu was conferred the 2019 Bernd Rode Award (Senior Researchers Category) by the ASEA-UNINET (ASEAN-European Academic University Network) for her research collaboration entitled “Examining the coherence of legal frameworks for ecosystem services toward sustainable mineral development in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)”.

The Bernd Rode Award is granted to outstanding scientific and higher education collaboration between European and South-East Asian universities in the framework of ASEA-UNINET. The award is named after Bernd Michael Rode, an eminent Austrian researcher and founder of the Austrian-Southeast Asian Academic University Network. She joins the other Bernd Rode Award Laureates 2019 announced during the 17th ASEA-UNINET Plenary meeting held from February 22nd to 25th 2019 at the University of Danang, Vietnam. See: https://asea-uninet.org/scholarships-grants/bra-laureates-2019/

Dr. Gera was a recipient of the 2018 Gro Brundtland Award for outstanding research work in the field of sustainable development. She also received the 2016-2018 One UP Faculty Grant Award in Political Science for Outstanding Research and Public Service in UP Cebu, and the 2016 Gawad Dekana Plaque of Recognition for Outstanding Performance and Achievement of a Faculty – “Outstanding Achievement in Research” by UP Cebu. She is currently an Associate Professor of Political Science at the College of Social Sciences and Vice Chancellor for Administration of UP Cebu.