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The following is the online enrollment guide for continuing students for both undergraduate and graduate studies for the first semester/ trimester AY 2020-2021.

For the enrollment guide for New Students, refer to here: Online Enrollment Guide for New Students AY 2020-2021



STEP 1: Pre-Enlistment

Important Dates:
(Undergrad) August 24-28, 2020
(MSCS, MSES) August 24-28, 2020
(MBA) July 16-17, 2020
(M.Ed.) August 25-28, 2020

Pre-enlist for your classes in the next term at https://sais.up.edu.ph/.

Follow your Program Checklist and Study Plan. Contact your college if you are unable to pre-enlist.

You may also want to clear your ineligibilities, if any, with the following offices (Accounting, Library, OSA, OUR), in preparation for enrollment.

STEP 2: Advisement

Important Dates:
(Undergrad) September 1-4, 2020
(MSCS, MSES) September 1-4, 2020
(MBA) July 20-22, 2020
(M.Ed.) September 1-4, 2020

Your Program Adviser will check your enlisted classes and tag you as “Advised”.

Your Adviser will get in touch with you should there be a need to change some of your enlisted classes.

Please check your UP emails regularly for notifications.

STEP 3: Enrollment

Important Dates:
(Undergrad) September 7-8, 2020
(MSCS, MSES) September 7-8, 2020
(MBA) July 23-24, 2020
(M.Ed.) September 1-4, 2020  

4A. For Non-Paying

Your College Secretary’s Office will generate your UP Form 5. A copy will be emailed to you with your schedule of classes.

4B. For Paying

View your amount payable in SAIS, under Main Menu > Self Service > Student Center > Finances.

  • If you applied for a tuition discount via the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Online portal or if you have a scholarship, the discount or privilege would have already been reflected in SAIS and your amount payable adjusted accordingly.

If not, you may get in touch with OSA.

After the adjustments have been reflected, pay your tuition and other miscellaneous school fees through Philippine Veterans Bank (0021-006900-001) via online channels such as Gcash, Instapay, and bank transfers. Email your proof of payment (must include amount, transaction date, time, and reference number) to your College Secretary’s Office.

Once your payment has been verified, the Cash Office will generate your UP Form 5 EOR. A copy will be emailed to you with your schedule of classes.

STEP 4: Others

If you have a Scholarship, please fill out the Scholars Enlistment Form.

You may get in touch with the Office of Student Affairs at (032) 232 8187 local 115 or via email at [email protected] or message them at http://fb.com/osa.upcebu.

The details in this guide are originally posted on the UP Cebu OUR website