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UP Cebu Research and Academics

The school that refused to die

The school that refused to die

UP Cebu is no stranger to change or to struggle. In fact, in a PowerPoint presentation based on an article on UP Cebu’s history, author and UP Cebu history professor Dr. Madrileña de la Cerna includes a photo of Cebu College taken around the late ‘40s with the caption “The School that Refused to Die.”

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UP System kicks off first Linggo ng Unibersidad

UP System kicks off first Linggo ng Unibersidad

UP Cebu participated in the synchronized flag raising ceremony held last June 10, to formally open the Linggo ng Unibersidad. This event marked the beginning of a series of activities from June 10-20, 2024, celebrating the 116th Founding Anniversary of the University...

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UP Cebu Reaffirms Commitment to Ethical Standards

UP BOR approves MS Math adoption

During the 1390th meeting of the University of the Philippines Board of Regents (BOR) on May 31, 2024, the Board approved the adoption by UP Cebu of the UP Los Baños Master of Science in Mathematics Program at the College of Science. The BOR is the highest governing...

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  • Publications
    • College of Science
    • College of Social Sciences
    • College of Communication, Art, and Design
    • School of Management
  • Research Centers
    • CENVI
    • FireCheck
    • FabLab
    • STiiTCH

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